# Stylesheets

Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use (opens new window).

Autoprefixer uses Browserslist (opens new window).

# styles.extname

styles.extname: string = 'css'

Compiling PostCSS (opens new window)/Sass (opens new window)/Less (opens new window) into CSS.

Supported CSS extensions: css, scss/sass and less.

🌰 For example:

module.exports = {
  styles: {
    extname: 'scss'
  // Other Options...

⚠️ Cannot find module 'node-sass' Solution (Deprecated in 3.17.0)

# styles.dartSass (Deprecated in 3.17.0)

⚠️ Now, just use Dart Sass (opens new window) for sass preprocessing since 3.17.0+ (LibSass is deprecated)

styles.dartSass: boolean = false

New in 2.6.0

# styles.minify

styles.minify: boolean = false

Rename minified to minify in 3.0.0

Ignore the environment and force CSS compression.

Tips: Often used with mix.serve in development mode.

# styles.atImportPaths

styles.atImportPaths: string[] = []

(Absolute path) An array of paths that Balm can look in to attempt to resolve your @import declarations.

# styles.entry

styles.entry: string | string[] = ''

New in 3.24.0 and 4.7.0

The entry point (filename) for the styles.

# styles.options

styles.options: object

Cssnano optimisations. Reference options (opens new window).

Defaults to:

  safe: true,
  autoprefixer: false,
  discardComments: {
    removeAll: true

# styles.sassOptions

styles.sassOptions: object = {}

LibSass options (opens new window).

# styles.lessOptions

styles.lessOptions: object = {}

Less plugin for Gulp. Reference options (opens new window).

# styles.postcssEnvOptions

styles.postcssEnvOptions: object

PostCSS Preset Env options (opens new window).

Defaults to:

  stage: 0,
  autoprefixer: {
    flexbox: 'no-2009'

# styles.postcssPlugins

styles.postcssPlugins: object[] = []

PostCSS plugins (opens new window).

# styles.imageBasePath

styles.imageBasePath: string = '../'

The path to use in CSS referring to sprite image location.

# styles.sprites

styles.sprites: string[] = []

Convert a set of images into a spritesheet and CSS variables.

🌰 For example:

// Input:
// `/path/to/workspace/${roots.source}/${paths.source.img}/icons/*.png`

module.exports = {
  styles: {
    sprites: ['icons']
  // Other Options...

// Output:
// image: `/path/to/workspace/${roots.target}/${paths.target.img}/icons-sprites.png`
// css: `/path/to/workspace/${roots.source}/${paths.source.css}/sprites/_icons.${styles.extname}`

# styles.spriteRetina

styles.spriteRetina: boolean = false

Enable retina spritesheet generation.

🌰 For example:

// Input:
// `/path/to/workspace/${roots.source}/${paths.source.img}/icons/*.png`
// `/path/to/workspace/${roots.source}/${paths.source.img}/icons/*@2x.png`

module.exports = {
  styles: {
    sprites: ['icons'],
    spriteRetina: true
  // Other Options...

// Output:
// image: `/path/to/workspace/${roots.target}/${paths.target.img}/icons-sprites.png`
//        `/path/to/workspace/${roots.target}/${paths.target.img}/icons-sprites@2x.png`
// css: `/path/to/workspace/${roots.source}/${paths.source.css}/sprites/_icons.${styles.extname}`

# styles.spriteParams

styles.spriteParams: object = {}

Spritesmith parameters (opens new window).

Last Updated: 2 years ago